VP Fund Solutions News

Notice to Unitholders - M INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS

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Notice to Unitholders - M INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS



The unitholders of M Investment Solutions (the "Fund"), managed by VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA (the "Management Company"), are hereby informed of the change of the Fund's investment manager with effect from 1 January 2023 (the "Effective Date").

As already indicated under point 5) in the notice to unitholders dated 15 June 2022, the Management Company has decided to appoint Mora Wealth Management España A.V., S.A.U. as investment manager of the Fund in replacement of Mora Gestió d'Actius, S.A.U. as from the Effective Date.

Mora Wealth Management España A.V., S.A.U., is a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Spain in 2019 and registered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) as "Agencia de Valores".

This change will not affect the way the Fund is managed, its investment objective and policy or its risk profile. It will also have no impact on the level of fees charged to the Fund.

A draft of the Fund's updated prospectus reflecting the above appointment may be obtained, free of charge, from the Management Company's registered office.

Luxembourg, 16 December 2022

On behalf of the board of directors of
VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA

VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA
2, rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg
RCS Luxembourg B 42828
 +423 235 66 55