Media release

Top ranking: VP Bank Group's Annual Report achieves 3rd place in the Swiss Annual Report Rating

Reading time: 2 Min
VP Bank Group's 2023 Annual Report once again achieved a top ranking in this year's Swiss Annual Report Rating. In the overall ranking, it was awarded third place. This top ranking confirms the high quality of VP Bank's corporate communications and once again underscores the bank's creative design.

The Swiss Annual Report Rating 2024 evaluated the annual reports of 235 companies, including those represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) as well as other major companies headquartered in Switzerland. The VP Bank Group's 2023 Annual Report was awarded third place in the overall category, the third time in the last five years that it has been on the podium.

Daniela Jenni, Head of Corporate Communications at VP Bank: "The annual report was produced in-house from conception to realisation, which is why we are particularly pleased with this excellent ranking. Companies should see reporting as an opportunity to enter into a dialogue with their various stakeholders. Linking financial and non-financial information is becoming increasingly important."

The evaluation was carried out by three specialised juries consisting of design experts, financial experts and copywriters, who awarded prizes in the categories Value Reporting, Design and Text as well as in the overall ranking.

#Corporate news
#Media release